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Spanish Croat Coin Pendant, Sterling & 18Kt Frame

  • Description

Spanish One Croat Silver Coin Pendant Dated 1693, Framed in Sterling Silver with prongs of 18Kt Yellow Gold.Obverse: Legend around head of Carlos II facing left. Reverse: Maltese cross with circle and pellets in angles; date. Ruler: Carlos II; Mint: Barcelona; Country: Spain.Certificate of Authenticity. Dimensions; approximately 20mm diameter coin.

Carlos II, known as carlos the Mad, inherited the Spanish throne in 1665, at the tender age of four. Hi Mother, Maria Anna of Austria served as his regent for the first ten years of Carlos's reign. The intrigues of the Queen and her favorites, along with the the ambitions of the French king, Louis XIV in the Low Countries, preocupied the Spanish government during the regency. Despite heavy taxation and the frequent arrival of plate (treasure) fleets the treasury was bankrupt manufacturing had all but ceased, trade was in the hands of foreigners and corruption ruled public offices at home and abroadSpain's state of affairs continued to worsen during the following years until Carlos died in 1700. When it became apparent Carlos would not father any children he made known in his will that he favored Philip, the grandson of Louis XIV of France, thereby ending the line of Spanish Hapsburgs.
Upon his death, the war for the Spanish succession broke out and led to the dismembering of Spain's European possessions.



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